Is My Projector Ready for the Holidays?

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Unless you are me or involved in the home theater hobby I doubt this is a question you ask yourself. 
However, if you entertain regularly over the holidays it’s something worth considering.  Over the course of the year your projector is pulling a lot of air through it.  That air is used to cool the electronic components as well as the lamp.  Unless you are fortunate enough to live is a sterile environment you will get dust pulled inside with that cooling air.
Over time that dust builds up. That dust can start to prevent the air from cooling.  Once the dust builds up to the point to where it isn’t being cooled anymore and will start to act like insulation keeping the heat in.
Depending on your model, removing that dust can vary.  You always hear, “clean your projector”.  Sure, wipe the outside down and keep that machine looking nice. 
However, there is an entire world going on inside your projector.  Fans, ducts circuit boards Oh My! These all tend to gather dust regardless of how clean your house is.  Electronics in general tend to attract dust due to their nature.
There are many models that use filters.  Those filters vary from a complicated cartridge type that is consumable and requires replacement.  Then there are others that use a simple foam rubber filter on a carrier frame.  More recently the filters have been abandoned for under $1000 models. Instead opting for large open airways to channel the dust in and out rather than filtering it.
Short lamp life is the first symptom. More specifically a progressively shorter lamp life. Each lamp will run but maybe it fails after 500 hours. The next lamp fails after 200 hours.  These hour ratings are examples of course. You may see 1000 hours or more but no where near your original lamps life span.
This particular projector below uses a BL-FU310A which is on sale here. Once you clean your projector your BL-FU310Awill run cool and bright.
Here are some examples of what your projector may look like inside if it has never been internally cleaned. Have it cleaned regularly to prevent failure during the holidays. Let us know if you have any question at 1-800-664-6671 or
Here is the side of the DLP Chip Heat-sink.

This is the main cooling Fan. Not moving much air.

Here is an overview of the entire projector’s electronics. That dust will cause heat problems.

This is the ballast. That powers the bulb. With this much dust it overheated and failed. Needed to be replaced, with a repair cost in the hundreds of dollars.

We do offer a Professional Cleaning Option. If this is something you would like to learn more about, please contact us with any questions. – PurelandSupply  1-800-664-6671 /

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